Brat Sweet Nothings

Random musings of a romance reader
YOURS UNTIL DAWN by Teresa Medeiros
Gabriel Fairchild is embittered by a war injury that robbed him of his sight and the subsequent desertion of his shallow fiancee. Depressed, hopeless and angry, he refuses to pick up the pieces of his life and nothing can persuade him to change his mind, certainly not the stubborn and obnoxious crone who is his new nurse...

You just can’t help liking the heroine Samantha unreservedly after seeing her dogged (insert image of a stubborn dog) attempts to help the Gabriel walk on his own. There are many witty repartee as the two cross swords and try to outwit each other. Each chapter opens with a small snippet of letters between Gabriel and his former fiancee, giving us increasingly clear insight into the cause of Gabriel’s bitterness.

Ingeniously-woven, this story shakes me to the core everytime I read it. The prose is trademark Medeiros--effortlessly exquisite, touched with equal measures of humor and angst and filled with vivid imagery. To date, it has the most poignant and most arousing love scene I've ever read--not because of graphic language but because the emotions welling up between the protagonists feel so natural and real. The surprise twist ending is further testament to Ms. Medeiros' skill as an author.

Grade: A

Teresa Medeiros
Avon (July 27, 2004)
# ISBN-10: 0060513659
# ISBN-13: 978-0060513658

Exclusive giveaway for members of Devyn Quinn's Yahoo group
The promotional offer has expired. I hope those of you who got the books enjoy them.

Miss Devyn Quinn is giving two full length novels, The Keeper of Eternity and The Price of Eternity to members of her Yahoo group!

If you enjoy these titles, please check out other Quinn titles in print and ebook format.

To get your free books, simply join Devyn's group and download from the files section.

You need to be at least 18 years old to join Devyn's group and/or read these books

An Interesting Postcard
Occasionally, one of those free advertisement postcards would catch my eye. Here's a recent one for Project Women Against Aids that tickles my sense of humour. I am a big fan of the romance genre and the graphic and caption are rather clever twists on the traditional "clutch" coverart.

The message behind reads:
There's no such thing as a weaker sex. Take charge and protect yourself from HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) by abstaining from casual sex and being faithful to one partner. A person infected with HIV/AIDS usually shows no signs or symptoms.

The official GRIMSPACE quiz
This quiz is conceived by Ann Aguirre to celebrate the impending release of GRIMSPACE. Try the quiz to see what kind of character you'd be in the book and then enter Ann's contest at her blog. Here's my result:


You always liked science, never thought it would wind up shipping you off to the stars. Your parents wanted you to get a good job at a cushy private hospital, but nooo, you had to have a touch of adventure and see uncharted planets along the way. You want to help people, but you often feel like you're more of a combat medic than a true doctor these days. Your crew can't seem to stay out of trouble, and it irks you, the way they assume you'll be able to clean up any mess they make. Lucky for them you're the patient type.

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