Brat Sweet Nothings

Random musings of a romance reader
The gracious and generous Alison Kent is offering a copy of her newest book The Perfect Stranger (due out on March 27, 2007) to one of the readers of this blog!

“I’ve already recommended you to my customers, but I’ve just thought of some others who I’ve turned on to Cherry Adair, Suzanne Brockman, Amy Fetzer, Cindy Gerard…the women writers who construct great adventure novels with fierce romances attached…that I’ll have to turn them on to you, too.”
— Lee Ann Daugherty, Romance “Mistress”, Waldenbooks #1393, Elizabethtown, KY

Your mission, if you choose to accept, is two-fold:
1) First, leave a comment on this blog entry.
2) Second, read the excerpt and answer the question below using the contact form on the right-hand side. DO NOT reveal the answer in the comments section or your entry will be disqualified. In the contact form, you must include:
~Your full name (and nickname used to comment on the blog, if different),
~A valid email address, and
~Your mailing address (So that Ms. Kent can mail out the prize straightaway once the winner is drawn. It will not be used for any other purpose.)
Incomplete entries without any of the above will be discarded.
Please limit yourself to one entry per household.

What's the name of Jack's boss?

This contest will run until 23:59 hours PST, March 25, 2007. The winner will be drawn from the pool of qualified entries using a random generator and announced here on March 26, 2007. Good luck!


Some like it hot. The men and women of Alison Kent’s sizzling SG-5 series like it hotter. In this all-new novel of steamy suspense, the jungle is the only place wild enough for a hotshot helicopter pilot and a renegade rich girl with one hell of an agenda…

Bachelor parties are fun, as long as you’re not the poor sap getting hitched…or slipped a Mickey and waking to discover you just became the poor sap. Not to mention that your “wife” is pregnant, and if you don’t go along to her village to meet the in-laws, the nice police comandante will be muy unhappy. Just another day in the life of helicopter pilot J. Jackson Briggs? Not so much. His Smithson Group gig wasn’t supposed to be dangerous, but the the woman who drugs him, then knocks him out, then drugs him again certainly is. She also may or may not be a nun. She’s definitely a lying, scheming, lethally gorgeous…American. Jack’s light years from believing the story Jillian Endicott gives him about her noble cause in the sweltering wilds of San Torisco, but he knows one thing: he’ll get the truth—and plenty more—from her, one way or another…

Being an Endicott of the Boston Endicotts taught Jillian plenty about the haves vs. the have-nots—and made it easy to choose sides. But there’s nothing easy about her mission in San Torisco, and things only get harder when Jack Briggs is thrown into the mix. Six-foot-three of big Texas mouth and big…other things…Jack’s pegged her as a bored little rich girl. Hey, he can think what he wants, as long as he does what she wants. Do unto others what needs to be done—that’s Jillian’s motto. Problem is, Jack knows how to push her buttons from minute one—and the closer he gets to pushing her over the edge, the more she wants him to…

Now under dark velvet cover of jungle nights, two rebels with a cause are going deep—and falling hard—for the perfect stranger…


Jack perked up. A quick trip up the road might not be a bad idea. Especially if he came back a free man.

He pretended to ponder El Comandante’s proposition when, in truth, he wondered why the San Toriscan military was meddling in personal matters.

How much backup did this guy have? Or was he an elite member of the Sabastiano private Policía, answering to no one but the big man himself?

Jack swore succinctly, but silently. Everything about this deal stank of hidden agendas. “I don’t have any say in the matter?”

“You have a say in nothing.”

His palms pressed to his thighs, Jack stood, wincing at the dizzying rush of blood that swept through his skull to the center of his face. “Then, let’s go.”

One corner of Mosquera’s mustache lifted. “Señor Briggs. What is your hurry?”

“I’m under deadline. Hank Smithson doesn’t have time to waste looking for me.”

“Do not worry. We will inform your . . . how is it you say . . . your foreman at the Smithson compound where you will be for the next month.”

Jack needed a shovel to pick up his jaw. “The next month?”

“Of course, Señor Briggs.” A sneer greased the Latino’s lips. “You cannot return until the baby is born.”

The baby? The baby?

Jack’s heartbeat signaled a situational slip from bad to worse. He whooshed in a serious breath and slanted a glance to the side . . . and his wife.

“What baby?”

She stood then, his burlap sack, and turned his way. Jack never saw her face. He never got past her figure. Past her belly that had to be at least eight months gone.

He remembered well the changes that developed between seven and nine months. He’d measured Mandy’s waistline every week until Justin had been born.

But that was forever ago. In a limbo sort of time and space he’d tried to forget.

All he knew right now was that playing handball didn’t make a baby, and that was as close to getting any as he’d come the last year.

Stunned, Jack sat. His butt cracked hard against the wooden chair. The legs cracked out from beneath him. His head cracked against a piece of standing concrete block.

And the last image that lingered as he fell to the ground was Comandante Mosquera’s smug crack of a smile.

Alison Kent

Kensington Brava
ISBN 0758211155
March 27, 2007
  • At 4:39 PM, Blogger Joni said…

    Thanks for giving us "limited budget" consumers an opportunity to win this book by one of the most fantastic authors I've come to enjoy with each and every book she publishes!!

  • At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Jenny,

    Lovely blog you have here. Thanks for the opportunity to win a book. Good luck everyone!!! I'm not sure if my entry went through...hope so.


  • At 4:53 PM, Blogger J said…

    I've got you, Val!

  • At 5:18 PM, Blogger Robin Snodgrass said…


    Thanks for the invite to enter your contest. The excerpt was intriguing to say the least! :)

    I like the looks of your blog - nice clean, fresh and easy on the eyes when reading. Very Nice!

    Robin S.

  • At 6:38 PM, Blogger JT Schultz said…

    Thanks for a chance to win a copy of "The Perfect Stranger".

  • At 12:19 AM, Blogger Jodi said…

    Thanks for the chance to win to win this book! And thanks to Alison for letting blog owners do this.

  • At 2:59 AM, Blogger Pam P said…

    Thanks for the heads up Jenny, looks like another good one from Alison.

    Love your background.

  • At 9:57 AM, Blogger Rashmi said…

    Alison's a Fantastic author! Count me in for the contest.


  • At 3:47 AM, Blogger ReadingIsSoMuchFun said…

    Hello Jenny,

    Thank you for the invite and a chance to win Alison Kent's new book. I would love to read this one. I entered the contest :-)

    Happy St. Patrick's Day To All!


  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger Carol M said…

    Thanks for the chance to win Alison's book. I love her stories!

  • At 10:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thanks for giving us this chance to win. I love it. Hope everyone has a great St. Pat's Day
    Kimberly L

  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger Mona said…

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of The Perfect Stranger. sounds interesting.

  • At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jack sounds so cool-can't wait to read how he gets out of the jungle

  • At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This book sounds great. I can see that Jack is another hero that we are going to fall hard for. Thanks for hosting the contest. Looking forward to getting my hands on him.

  • At 8:44 PM, Blogger Teresa said…

    I think this book is going to be a keeper. I hope to get to read it. I to get to read this book soon.

  • At 12:41 AM, Blogger tetewa said…

    Loved the exerpt and would love to win a copy!

  • At 2:59 AM, Blogger Jessy said…

    I just got done entering a little bit ago. This seems like a great book. :)

  • At 7:14 AM, Blogger CrystalGB said…

    Hi Jenny. You have a nice blog.
    I would love to win The Perfect Stranger. :)

  • At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Interesting excerpt...would love to win the book.

  • At 3:48 PM, Blogger robynl said…

    Would love the book; great excerpt and can't wait to see what happens.

  • At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thanks to jenny, for referring me and i hope she wins!

    my computer is so slow and i must read allison books as i have never read any.

    linda bass

  • At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That excerpt really got me wanting to read this book, and more from this author! Thanks for the chance Jenny!

    Vanessa Ramos

  • At 8:52 PM, Blogger Julie said…

    Great excerpt! This book is one I have to read.


  • At 6:53 PM, Blogger Cathy M said…

    I love the SG-5 series and would love to win this book.

  • At 12:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Great excerpt, would love to read The Perfect Stranger.

  • At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I love the SG5 books and look forward to reading this one. Alison is awesome!

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