Brat Sweet Nothings

Random musings of a romance reader
So I really have no business reading IID because I'm only halfway through the series and I'm not supposed to read for long stretches of time...but the allure of IID won out.

Stayed up with it until my eyes started to tear and go all blurry. Eve and Roarke are very real characters, with their complex layers and the hurdles they have to cross. Some of the scenes that stood out for me in IID: Eve confiding in Mira about her marital problems, and Eve giving a couple well-aimed punches (absolutely have to read the book to find out why...don't want to give away too much here hehehe).

I'm not a big romantic suspense reader--never was one--and I'm not into graphic violence so my being such a fan of this series says a lot about Ms Roberts' incisive writing. From the start, the evolution of the Eve and Roarke relationship has been the main draw for me and the homicide investigation is more of a side dish. Still, Ms Roberts manages to score quite a few times with me and I'm happy to report that IID is one of them. I've also grown very fond of secondary characters like Summerset, Mira, Feeney, Peabody, Mavis, McNab and Nadine.

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  • At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is my favorite JD RObb in a long time. It's not like the previous ones were bad, it was just this one had so much emotional appeal. I bookmarked several places in my ebook when, ah, my allergies started acting up and I had to wipe my eyes.

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