Brat Sweet Nothings

Random musings of a romance reader
St. Martin offers free ebook of SEIZE THE NIGHT by Sherrilyn Kenyon
If you're still wondering what's the big deal about the Dark Hunters series, now's as good a chance to get hooked and reeled as ever. Grab the offer before it goes away!

PS: If you try this and you get the service unavailable message, it means the traffic has crashed the server. Wait a few minutes and try again. It will be back up and working again.

Win historical novel "Nefertiti" by Michelle Moran
Check it out here!

Mark Henry at - Be there and Win!
Stop by and read his engaging interview and ask him any questions you may have. He will be in and out for the rest of the day.

Here's the direct link to the spotlight!

If you participate, you have a chance at winning a copy of his book and or an Amazon Gift Card for $30.00!

New Release Alert: THROUGH THE VEIL by Shiloh Walker
Isn't this just a kickass fantastic cover? :)

Found wandering in a field as a child, Lee Ross was given a name by the state and placed in a foster home--without anyone realizing that she wasn't entirely human. All her life, she's tried to dismiss the odd dreams that have plagued her, dreams of monsters creeping through the night and a man fighting demons by her side. But the bruises she wakes up with are all too real to ignore. . .

Then the man from her dreams appears--in the flesh. His name is Kalen, and he insists that her destiny lies in his world, the world of her dreams. To save their people, he mist convince Lee to give up everything she knows, follow her heart, and cross over into the Under Realm--even though once she does, she'll never be able to return.

Shiloh Walker
Berkley (June 3, 2008)
ISBN-10: 0425222470
ISBN-13: 978-0425222478

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