Brat Sweet Nothings

Random musings of a romance reader
Mating Call and Dragon Dance by Emily Ryan-Davis

MATING CALL and DRAGON DANCE Hit #1 and #3 on the Freya’s Bower Bestseller List!

Mating Call by Emily Ryan-Davis

Cora Phillips has witchcraft in her blood, but she’s convinced she inherited the recessive rather than the dominant trait. Imagine her shock when she summons a pair of ancient dragons!

Cora swears it’s a mistake. Her family swears it’s the correct course of events. Eventually, every Dragonkeeper issues the call to mate. Problem is nobody expected Cora to summon even a single dragon, let alone two.

Dragon Dance

Dragon Dance by Emily Ryan-Davis

Self-preservation, not cowaradice, drove Cora Phillips to run from the supernatural intrigues surrounding Salim Aridi, Greg Cho, and their respective dragon aspects. She spent a year rebuilding a sense of normalcy, and she learned to cope with the residual nightmares that followed her brief collision with modern myth.

The moment Salim loses control, however, the dragons demonstrate just how meaningless human distance really is, and return to remind Cora that dragon ties are not so easily broken.

"I LOVE these two books." - Wilga Hill Boomerang of Cocktail Reviews

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  • At 9:22 AM, Blogger author said…

    Jenny, thanks for entering my contest! I'll announce the winner this afternoon at and send an email. Have a great holiday!

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