Random musings of a romance reader
Tuesday, September 05, 2006 |
Save The Quiet Kitty Update |

We're almost there. Thanks to all of you and the marvelous job you've done sharing the SaveTheQuietKitty.com link and message, we've nearly met our initial goal of raising $6000.00 to help cover Cammy's medical expenses. We're so close. We need about another $900 at last count to place the order for the portable oxygen machine that will help give Camille some of her independence back.
Yes, we need your financial help -- but even more we need your time. If you have a website, a newsletter, or a blog, please consider posting a link to the Quiet Kitty Fund -- there's a graphic on the website that you're welcome to use.
Please take a moment to visit SaveTheQuietKitty.com -- and share the link -- we need your help.
Margaret Riley AKA Shelby Morgen SaveTheQuietKitty.com |
Brat Sweet Nothings
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